
The next Whorling you meet had to be a Random.

"Hello," he says. "I'm Slither. Are you enjoying your travels?"

You say you are and a new Whorling says, "Good!"

"Hidey-ho. I'm Hitomi. And you may want to move to the right if you don't want to get run over.

You narrowly miss getting bounded on by a purple Whorling who just keeps running. Hitomi shakes his head. "That was Twyla and I'm sure she'd say she was sorry if she'd realized. Dawn's gonna have to, too, if she doesn't adjust her trajectory."

The new Whorling giggles as she lands from her jump. "I don't pounce Travelers. Just sometimes I get so excited from running and jumping I don't see 'em. Right, Iggy?"

"Yep," says the flaming Weezel and you briefly wonder how blue flames reflect green on the Whorling's fur.

"Don't ask," says a new voice.

"I'm Sunburst. Don't try to understand the Whorl. It's just too complicated."

You had to agree. Tahmores steps in. "We can go back, or to the Wris'Talorol, Tigons, Hunter Cats, Mequis, or the Wynds of Change, War, Warp, or Mage."

Species: Random Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: "Light, star, horse blaze" in Spanish


Species: Weezel Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Blue eyes" in Japanese


Species: Weezel Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Twilight" in American


Species: Weezel Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Sunrise" in English


Species: Weezel Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: "Fiery one" in English

Species: Weezel Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: Just because of the little thing on his shoulder

The creatures inhabiting this area of the meadow are from the EverRealm.
