Earthsong Tigons

Deciding to visit the Tigons, you encounter a large critter with unusual coloring.

"Greetings, Traveler!" she says brightly. "My name is Terah and I am an Earthsong Tigon from the EverRealm."

You're beginning to sense a theme, here.

Terah chuckles. "Yes, we are all from the EverRealm, and, in this area, we are all Earthsong Tigons. I will be your guide from here. Come along."

Another Tigon walks by and she turns to look at you as she passes.

"Oh! A Traveler!" she says. "Hello, my name is Kesia."

You tell her hello, then sidestep as another Tigon leaps at you.

"Nice reflexes!" she praises. "I'm Gaia."

You notice that Gaia and Terah were similar in coloration and express your thoughts.

"Very good!" says Gaia. "Terah and I are both of the Meadow coloration. Kesia is Forest, and Fonda is Desert."

"Fonda?" you ask, then notice the brown Tigon behind you.

"I'm Fonda," she says. "And, yes, I'm of the Desert coloration."

Terah nudges you forward. "More of us Tigons are this way, or you could go back or visit the Wris'Talorol, the Whorlings, the Hunter Cats, Mequis, or the Wynds of Change, War, Warp, or Mage."

Species: Earthsong Tigon
Gender: Female
Coloration: Meadow
Meaning of Name: "Earth, hillside" in Latin


Species: Earthsong Tigon
Gender: Female
Coloration: Forest
Meaning of Name: "Earth bound" in African American


Species: Earthsong Tigon
Gender: Female
Coloration: Meadow
Meaning of Name: "Earth" in Latin


Species: Earthsong Tigon
Gender: Female
Coloration: Desert
Meaning of Name: "The Earth, grounded" in Spanish

The creatures inhabiting this area of the meadow are from the EverRealm.
