
Tahmores leads you further into the meadow and a Feline Whorling with strange wings lands at your feet.


"Hiya!" he says, seemingly very friendly despite his appearance. "I'm Glider. Check these out!" He rears up on his hind legs and stretches his fronts, making the skin connecting them stretch. "I can glide. It's cool. Watch!" He runs to the top of a rock and leaps off, using his wings to glide gently to the ground.

"He's a show off," says Tahmores. "There's a cluster of Weezles over there, Traveler."

They seemed smaller than the others, but whatever. Size doesn't really matter, does it? The blue one glances your way and flies over. "Hey, a Traveler!" she says. "Hi! I'm Indigo. And that's Aleda and Miette. Hey, girls, look!"

The other two Weezles come up to you and circle your feet, the green one hovering an inch off the ground and looking directly at you. "Eee!" the green one squeals. "I love visitors! I'm Aleda and Wingless over there is Miette."

"Hey!" Miette says. "Just 'cuz I'm wingless doesn't mean I can't do whatever you can."

"Betcha can't!" says Aleda.

"Bet I can!"

Tahmores nudges you as the fight continues. "They're always like this, and it can go on for hours."

"And it really annoys us," says a new voice.

"Wow," you say to the newcomer. "What kind of Whorling are you?"

"A Random. My name is Pumbaa. Yes, after the warthog in The Lion King. I'm not quite one, but close, eh?" He chuckles.

What could only be another Random suddenly flies around your body and alights on your shoulder.

"Hi!" she says. "I'm Jenna. You know you have a leaf in your hair?" She plucks it out with her beak and flies away. Tahmores nudges you.

"From here, you can move on, go back, or visit the Wris'Talorol, Tigons, Hunter Cats, Mequis, or the Wynds of Change, War, Warp, or Mage."

Species: Feline Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: Check out the wings!


Species: Weezle Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: Simply because she's blue.


Species: Weezle Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Small and winged" in Latin


Species: Weezle Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Small sweet thing" in French


Species: Random Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: Named after the warthog in The Lion King.


Species: Random Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Small bird" in English

The creatures inhabiting this area of the meadow are from the EverRealm.
